Archivo por meses: abril 2014

Un look delicado y natural


Cuidar de nuestro cuerpo y nuestra piel es ahora muchísimo más fácil gracias a la gran variedad de productos y procedimientos naturales. Como el cuidado dermatológico se convierte en algo tan común, sin darnos cuenta nos vamos descuidando y eventualmente nos exponemos a los rayos UV, a la contaminación e inevitablemente, al estrés diario.

Para no dejar que este tipo de distracción tome ventaja, existen tips que puedes aplicar diariamente para una mejor hidratación y fortalecimiento corporal. Desde productos con resultados instantáneos hasta formas divertidas de mantener éstos cuidados al día, te recomendamos lo mejor en belleza para un resultado efectivo y duradero.

Para mantenerte refrescada durante éstos días cálidos, por qué no un splash de agua natural en forma de spray y que puedes cargar en tu bolso sin ningún inconveniente. Avène ofrece una presentación personal de un refresher instantáneo para una piel fresca y naturalmente hidratada. Después de una breve limpieza, siempre mantente al tanto de una base antialérgica, utilizando Clinique como tu mano derecha.

Sin dejar atrás una mirada impactante, la máscara de pestañas Sisley se convierte en tu aliada y los labiales Estée Lauder te dan el color, la hidratación y la delicadeza ideal para complementar una sonrisa de verano.

Las cremas BB agregan la suavidad para tu piel corporal, protegiendo la apertura de poros y la resequedad causada por diferentes factores a los cuales nos exponemos a diario. Y como toque final, nunca olvides una fragancia ya que es el accesorio que toda mujer debe llevar sin importar la ocasión actual. Tom Ford ofrece un nuevo perfume inspirado en los jardines europeos y los toques femeninos de una mujer vanguardista. Velvet Orchid del diseñador americano se convierte en la esencia líquida de la elegancia femenina.

Outfits de Verano


Sun-dresses, sandalias, sombreros, ear-cuffs, collares y una infinidad de piezas ideales se transforman en la wishlist ideal para esta nueva temporada. Los estampados femeninos y románticos, con texturas livianas y de tonos pastel complementan el conjunto perfecto para disfrutar de cada hora del día y estar siempre preparada para los cambios de clima.

Los accesorios no pueden faltar, ya que son los encargados de brindar ese toque de vida y brillo sin importar el color, metal o material seleccionado. Desde los infalibles studs hasta los detalles artesanales, los collares, aretes y pulseras se transforman en el detalle final del conjunto veraniego y el glamour natural.

Entre aires de vanguardia y lo último en tendencias, el estilo de cada una se inspira en las pasarelas y los elementos sofisticados de las piezas elegidas. Sin miedo a combinar, anímate a experimentar los contrastes entre los dulces y suaves colores pastel y las texturas un poco más edgy como las pieles clásicas, las transparencias y tonos neón. El armario se transforma esta temporada para un crear conjunto inspirado en descubrir nuevas formas de vestir.

Para Gabo

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, writer The Colombian writer on occasion of the dialogues 'Iberoamerica: Meeting in Democracy'

Fue durante un jueves santo que Macondo se despidio de Ursula Iguarán. Con su eterna ceguera, la madre, esposa, testigo y guardián de cada generación de la familia Buendía y especialmente de los infinitos amorios que pronto se transformarian en esas anécdotas magicas, dejó huella y marca imborrable junto a una historia de ‘Cien años de soledad‘, que pronto pasaría al legado legendario del folclor colombiano, latinoamericano e internacional. En ese mismo día de su partida, el pueblo fantástico se vistio de luto sin más pensar así, que esa tristeza se repetiría durante ese mismo jueves, pero en un futuro muy cercano y si podemos decir, bastante real.

Después de casi medio siglo o mucho más, Macondo se volvio a vestir de negro, otorgándole una dolorosa despedida a su fundador y creador oficial de esas vivencias inolvidables, que pocos lograran dejar atrás. Es en este breve pero inolvidable tributo donde las lágrimas se derraman de los ojos de Sierva María de Todos los Ángeles, mientras que la luz del día se refleja en sus cabellos rojizos y las mariposas amarillas se esconden entre los arbustos primaverales.

Es también durante este mismo adiós, que el mundo entero le rinde homenaje a un hombre que alguna vez corría por las calles de Aracataca, saciando su curiosidad por las historias que forman los grandes personajes. Cabe resaltar que su vida profesional tomó sede en diferentes ciudades, estableciendo su parada final en la capital mexicana, acompañado de su esposa, familia y más cercanos amigos.

A través de sus años finales, Gabriel García Márquez dejó más que una casa localizada en las calles de San Ángel. Dejó un honor samario para los amantes de la literatura y los universos fantásticos, añadiendo su grandes logros en la casi infinita lista de reconocimientos a nivel global, entre ellos, el Premio Nobel de Literatura, otorgado en 1982.

Orgulloso de su nacionalidad y único en todos sus aspectos, el colombiano nunca tuvo miedo de desafiar los límites de la imaginación. La inspiración la logró descubrir hasta la última esquina del mundo, incluyendo y jamás sin dejar atrás, a Ciudad de México.

Valentino, Pumps and Studs


I rarely write about street style. I really do. It’s such a cliché subject, but lately (and I don’t know if it is because of the fact that I’m attending different events) I’ve been paying much more attention to what people wears.

Among prints, accessories, and others, I’ve fallen in love with a specific style of medium-high heels designed by the fashion house Valentino, and I know that ‘everyone’ has them, but I can’t help but melt a little bit inside every time I see them. These are the ‘Rockstud leather pumps‘, now available in different colors, prints, and textures. They match almost any outfit you can imagine, and when you wear them, they shine beautifully (without being too much), all by themselves.

They’re now available for every fashion/accessory lover and shopaholic in and They’re the same price as they were before, but hopefully, someday, I’ll get to wear them and actually own them in every color and style they create.

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week México 2014 – Español

Screen Shot 2014-04-08 at 11.40.00 PM

Los detalles bordados de David Salomón, los estampados de colores inspirados en las tierras brasileras de Pineda Covalín y las plumas resaltando los tonos tornasol de Silvia Weil son algunos de los infinitos aspectos que llenaron las pasarelas de la Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week 2014.

Desde el momento de hacer check-in para conseguir un buen lugar hasta entrar al salón de pasarela donde la verdadera magia ocurre, la semana de la moda se reinventa en un evento único y exclusivo cargado de los próximos recuerdos que quedarán marcados en quienes aman la moda, el arte, las tendencias y la creatividad en su máximo esplendor. Cada detalle seleccionado para crear una experiencia memorable fue sin duda alguna, el trabajo que diferentes lideres visualizaron y transcribieron en una realidad rindiendo homenaje a las tendencias otoño-invierno 2014, posicionándose a su misma vez, a la par de las demás semanas de la moda ocurriendo alrededor del mundo.

Las sorpresas y los invitados top tampoco se quedaron atrás. Las palabras sobran y la inspiración se desborda en el momento que una colección deslumbra y el diseñador sale a recibir los aplausos. Cuando cada look es algo inesperado, la audiencia mantiene su cordura absoluta y los comentarios y futuros reportajes son los responsables de que su huella quede marcada en la historia de la moda latinoamericana.

Ahora asistir a cada espectáculo, de los seis o ocho shows que se presentan a diario durante cuatro dias consecutivos, ya no trata solamente de criticar, sino de pasar un buen rato y si es el caso, encontrarse con las personas que trabajan en el mismo medio y como lo hacen los diseñadores ahora, presentar lo último en música para un desfile memorable. El clásico ‘Don’t you want me‘ sonando mientras algunas risas y voces cantaban a su mismo ritmo durante el desfile de Sandra Weil o el ‘Paint it black‘ de los Rolling Stones durante el desfile de BLACK by Lozanne realizando un cierre memorable para los amantes del menswear con aires clásicos y mexicanos, es una vivencia que cada año se transforma de manera única, para continuar el camino de la innovación fashionista y de diseño original.

Como es debido, cada look presentado durante cada pasarela lleva todos los detalles delicadamente pensados. El cabello de cada presentación estuvo a cargo de Tec Italy Mexico, manteniéndose original y al día con las ultimas tendencias de belleza, reflejando a su misma vez, la inspiración inigualable de cada diseñador. Los accesorios complementando cada conjunto, son en su mayoría de las veces, creados por los mismos diseñadores y en otras ocasiones en colaboración con otras firmas. Los accesorios en la pasarela del mexicano Macario Jiménez o en la de Alejandro Carlín son piezas que provocan un pensamiento dominante y éste es ‘quiero llevármelo puesto o comprarlo apenas la modelo vuelva a backstage’.

Este año la innovación también llegó a nuevos niveles, ya que la semana de la moda no solo fue responsable de presentar lo último en diseño internacional sino las visiones de los líderes en el mundo comercial. Heineken presento su nuevo diseño en su clásica botella, donde el encanto recae en el hecho que el diseño logra brillar en la oscuridad y después, en un breve anuncio, las pasarelas se convierten, literalmente, en exhibiciones memorables. Malafacha dejo a más de uno sorprendido, presentando su colección inspirada en los héroes y villanos de la legendaria firma Marvel y Naye Quiros con su joyería geométrica llenando el centro de atención en el lobby principal del evento.

El layout general fue estructurado con minucioso cuidado ya que la paleta clásica de Mercedes-Benz, patrocinador oficial, en blanco y negro, contrastó idealmente con la selección de una gran variedad de colores tomados de sus siguientes y reconocidos sponsors, Vitamin Water, Sushiito y Sony. El street style de cada invitado también dejo más de una opinión y fotografía que desear.

La semana de la moda se reinventa una vez mas y abre sus puertas para la expresión máxima de los diseñadores, patrocinadores e invitados exclusivos. Es una rutina indescriptible con palabras, ya que la acción sucede desde tras bambalinas hasta el sencillo pasillo dedicado a Compra Moda Nacional, proyecto que se encuentra actualmente bajo el mando de Juanchi Torre.

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Mexico 2014

Captura de pantalla 2014-04-03 a la(s) 12.00.16

The first time I heard that I was a candidate to go to Fashion Week as an editorial representative, I couldn’t believe it. It sounds cliché and everything, but getting a ticket to get in it’s getting harder every year, and as soon as I got the e-mail I knew it was real and that it was right there.

Before the big event happened, the official agency in charge of the event (COLOüRs) invites you to a special cocktail where you get to ‘meet’ the designers. And I place the word ‘meet’ like this, because the amount of people is just crazy. After that, you get to enjoy a beautiful night surrounded by socialité, designers, PRs and representatives from all around. It was fun. I won’t deny it.

Two weeks after this night is concluded, the big event is up and everyone starts getting ready. My getting ready process was about knowing a little bit about who the designers where, how to dress up, who was coming with me and transportation. As a fashion lover that I truly am, I had to look for something affordable, comfortable and perfect to wear for the right occasion (in this case, the runways). I had to go and made a quick visit to H&M, buy 3 dresses, one necklace and then show the world that I was ready to go (this is my first ‘official/titled’ job ever, so that’s why H&M).

The first day came in and the excitement was insane. I dressed up, straightened my hair and put some nice shoes on. I got to see 4 different runways (the designers that I was truly interested in) and then went home at midnight (such a fairytale).

The first designer, Alejandro Carlín was amazing. I never saw anything by him before and it was truly gorgeous I have to say. The cuts and designs were good enough to call original and well presented. After that came Pineda Covalín (one of my favorite designers and international-known brands) and oh my God!!!! Every single look was completely astonishing. The prints, the textures, the flow of the fabrics and the feminine touches were absolutely mesmerizing. They made an amazing work inspired in the gorgeous tropical lands located in Brazil. (By the way… the music was ideal for the runway. Fun and ‘danceable’).

The third designer was somebody that I heard about before but wasn’t very familirized with: David Salomon. He’s very detailed and delicate in his work, and without offending anyone out there, I saw pieces that look very similar to the latest looks created by Elie Saab. Not amazing, but very romantic somehow.

Being inside the runway room is an amazing experience, and I have to say that whatever o however the look is, the place makes the experience completely magical.

After David Salomon, came Julia & Renata. I was expecting so much from them, because they won several awards because of their originality and style, and it was a true disappointment. The runway didn’t have anything wearable or cute (the boots were ok). Something original was that they didn’t play any music during the runway. I thought boring and maybe too long for a standard runway.

The day concluded at 11PM and my feet were killing me, but I was completely grateful for this experience. It was surreal. This was only the first day out of 4 and I was just getting ready.

One thing I have to add is that the advertisement before the runway is presented is absolutely amazing. Imagine Mercedes-Benz, American Express, Heineken, Sony, and VitaminWater coming all up together in one place. The product is crazy good and impacting. The design elements are applied through every step of the way and the response from the audience was completely satisfactory

Day 2 came up and my entire body was hurting, but every step was absolutely worth it, wasn’t it? I woke up, turned my closet upside down and chose a dress to wear.

Then I went to the office, got ahead of some work that I had pending, and then came to the first important runway show of the day: Macario Jiménez was up. He clearly was inspired in the main elements of the feminine side and of the prints of course. It wasn’t my favorite, but what he did was to present his work as a moving gallery. After every girl came to the end of the runway, she stood up on a small platform, just for people to admire the piece. Isn’t that smart and clever?

Next, it was time to lunch and take a little break (from the high heels most of all). I went to eat, charged my phone ( I COMPLETELY recommend taking your charger or an extra battery with you in these cases. The first charge from home won’t last til late afternoon), and came back. Surprise as always, there was a little event waiting for everybody and it was the presentation of the new bottle designed by freelancers for Heineken. They glow in the dark, and they’re kind of retro and fun to drink. Very well presented and the beer as itself is really good.

Up next was Naye Quiros. The first thought was ‘ok, this is going to be interesting. Specially when the runway is not going to be in the runway room, but in the lobby’. Fyi… I didn’t know it was a jewelry designer (bad bad research). Anyways… I went up there and the jewelry is nice, elegant and minimalist. All gold and silver but nothing to be wowed about. Would I wear it? Yes! Absolutely! Would people say it’s the most beautiful thing in the world? No…

Next was Sandra Weil. Am I excited? Yes! Oh my God. The runway ended and I literally wanted every single piece designed by her. Why? The pieces are fun, wearable and absolutely gorgeous. The inspiration was basic nature with basic pieces taken to a whole new level. From leather bras to princess fall skirts, the collection was probably one of the most memorable ones. True genius. True talent. P.S. The music was amazing (at the point where everyone started dancing and singing… I’m not lying).

You know why fashion weeks are fun? Because as soon as one show is over you have to immediately run to the next one. Literally. After Sandra Weil, Alexia Ulibarri was up. It was dark already and it felt like 3. The show must go on.

As soon as the looks by Alexia Ulibarri started coming out the impression was mute. It was a fusion between a doll house, a little Chanel and a tiny bit of Gothic. Personally, I didn’t like it. The pieces were well sewn and structured. I don’t get why it turned out that way. Anyways, this runway is the very true definition that two minds never think alike when it comes to creativity and pure art. Two more runways to come and two more days to come. Bring it on.

After Alexia was up, Jorge Duque was the next one to present. Just as a curious fact, he’s Colombian and is one of the current official designers for Pineda Covalín. His runway had this special mix of futurism and romanticism, that somehow create a strange balance. Yes, I saw pieces that I’ve already seen before, but the way every look was structured was so unique. (Clearly I loved it). What came as a remarkable moment, was the part where all the models came out and then the designer. I came into every single runway and the audience never clapped so much. I’m so happy to know that the Colombian talent is been acknowledged in here. So proud. There’s one more runway to come up and my feet were starting to hurt after more than 10 hours in here. But, it’s ok. The next one is just men. Let’s see how this one goes.

Grypho came up, the menswear brand and the ambiance was different. More welcoming and more fashionable somehow. The music started playing, and we all thought, that as usual the soundtrack was played by the DJ. But it wasn’t. It was the actual band (which I still don’t know the name) and it was amazing. Alternative rock all the way. Loved it. After the first looks came up, the men modeling were absolutely gorgeous. Each and every one of them had this special something. Maybe the attitude or the look, I don’t know. The special ‘spark’ about this local brand is that it has been there more than 10 years now, and still is a huge success. People keeps going into the stores for a great shopping experience or for an ideal gift for a man. Check it out. It’s totally worth knowing about Grypho.

The day was finally over and we got out at 11pm. My feet were dead and hurting but it was definitely one of the best days of my life. I met a lot of amazing and talented people and the presentations until today have been all memorable (either good or bad).

Day 3 was a little more relaxed. We left the office during late afternoon, because we had a special ‘feature’ going on. We were allowed to enter to backstage to any designer’s show we picked. We chose Lydia Lavín and as usual, it was completely magical.

The models, artists and designers make, definitely, this fashion world full of beauty and uniqueness. You asume that because this fashion event is just growing or introductory as a pro would call it, the people modeling will be local. But they’re not. They’re from everywhere around the world. Besides, they’re so tall and slim that a good envy invades your body as soon as you go in.

The make up sets are all over the place and the hair experts are working their very best. The originality and the piece of art that can be created on anyone’s head is absolutely stunning. After that we got out and got in line for the official runway. The chairs had a little postcard with the main subject/inspiration of the looks, and also a little detail to take home. The theme? ‘Diosa del Maíz’… meaning the Corn Goddess. As soon as the first look came out, the nature and the latinoamerican style could be seen  and reflected on its maximum point.

Each piece was created with a crazy color palette contrasting with latinoamerican and traditional textiles. The hair style was full braided but very nice and completely elegant. It was very well structured and fun to see.

Then, it was time for the boys. BLACK was up and people was really excited to see this show. I saw their collections before and they were really classic but fun to wear for the menswear division. When the ads were presented, the video/projection was introduced. The main inspiration? Trains and railroads from all around the world. Then the door was open and the first look came up. It was like going all the way back to this kids’ movie where the capitan has this Dali’s style moustache or to a film by the brothers Lumière. The men as usual were absolutely gorgeous and completely stunning. The pieces were very classic and very wearable. I really enjoyed it.

After the show concluded we packed up and went home. The parking lot was open until 10:30pm so I missed the next two shows, one of them by Lorena Saravia. I wished I could’ve been there.

Anyways, the day 3 was real and was fun. The next day was the last and probably most important, because of the official closure. Attending to these events has become an exclusivity and a total new experience for me.

Day 4 was a little more unexpected and definitely agitated. The previous three days were ok in organization and logistics, but I honestly don’t know what happened with the last and probably most important day.

People began to enter as exclusive invites and press and others were left behind. We made it on time for entering to Pink Magnolia, and because of the ‘unlimited’ amount of people permitted as exclusive invites, we couldn’t get in. I really wanted to see this collection, so the only thing left to do was get online and get updated. It was pretty and ‘cosmic’ on its very own way. Very feminine and very delicate as they’ve always been.

After that, we got in line (again) to see the latest collection by the designers’ duo Malafacha. The ticket said it was inside the ‘box’ and we were definitely wondering what was up. The line was a huge mess because of the small space, but at the end it was totally worth it. The FW14 collection created by the Mexican designers was astonishing and completely original. It was inspired by the villans and superheroes created originally by the legendary brand Marvel. What was more memorable and iconic about this collection was the fact that it was an exhibition. Literally. Each model stood still during the whole hour for us, the audience, to admire the pieces. The structure of each look was absolutely futuristic and if I may say, completely out of this world. The details, the accessories and the hair were something I honestly haven’t seen in a very long time. I loved it. By the way, the whole combination between the make up, the hair and the clothing were almost ideal.

After we got out from there, keeping the sequins’ textures in our minds, we decided to leave. The lines were impossible at the point where there were no more tickets. Even after 10 mins since you got there.

Besides from this tiny inconvenients, I really enjoyed this unique experience. I’d do it again, and this time I’ll look for a better research before attending each runway. I really recommend exploring the new designers working here in Mexico and Latin America. They’re doing an amazing job, and I truly won’t be surprised if any of them, turns out to be the next Marc Jacobs or even a unique type of Karl Lagerfeld.